I am in the fourth year of psychology, that means that I have done approximately 45 courses. In the first year we have introductory courses about the different areas of social sciencies. For example we have antropology, sociology, philosophy, history, and others classes. That has pros and cons, because many times we don`t know nothing about other careers and that help us to see different options, but also is difficult know if we like psichology or not if we haven`t courses about this area.

After that we begin to enter to the psychology. We have personality psichology, basic processes of learning, neurophysiology, developmental psychology, etc. In that period you can get into the various topics of our profession, that allows you have a general idea about the principals aspects worked in a cross-cutting manner in psychology.

However, I think that the principal part of my Study Program that can help you to know what you want to do is in the first semester of the third year, because in that moment you have the five main areas of psychology: educational, juridical, clinical, community and occupational. In this space you can understand what is the particular application in the real life of each one of them.

I believe that the workload and length of this study program is adequate, because in five years you can see very different topics and take optional courses of your concern.

The classes are usually made with power point or like an oral presentation, just a few teacher use innovative ways. Maybe that is one of the principals reasons to feel that the career is longer than five years.


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