I would like go to Islandia, a country located in the northwest country of Europe, It has a population of 350.000. It is a place with a cold weather because is near to the north pole. The green of the vegetation it mixes with the white of snow. The immigration policies are very permissive, is a very friendly country. The language of this country, the icelandic, is very very hard, because, with another reasons, they have a extensive alphabet, 32 words.
I would like walk around the country, know the landscapes, the people, I would like have wonderful views, I would like feel the cold wind while I see a glacier. 
I would like live in Islandia (and work to pay my stay here) because I think that is a good country, they don´t have an army, they get their energy from renewable sources and they are pioneers in genres policies.
For me Islandia is the best country ever. Imagen relacionadaResultado de imagen para islandia glaciar


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