
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2018

My future Job

When I think in my future many images come to me. I know that I want to work in any of the many areas of Juridical Psychology. About that I'm very interesting especially in the atenttion of victims of violence or abuse. Besides I´d like work in family courts helping children in the process of divorce, tuition, visits, etc. Maybe the work in some organization or institution working with childs in social risk and whose rights have been violated is what motivates me the most. Ultimately the SENAME has been cuestioned and is the focus of many speeches and political campaigns, for that reason I think that it's a good moment to get involved and generate changes. In this context the physical space to work probably will be an office. I hope that with the time other zones be created thinking in the requirements of the children, making spaces where we could work with them in a warm and comfortably way. About the salary, I think that I'm not worry in this moment about that. I think th


In the first place when I finish undergraduate I'd like continue study in other country. I think the reason to get out isn`t the level of the course in comparation with Chile, maybe is because I`d like to travel on my own, think, grow up, discover what I want when no one is with me, learn about myself. With respect to the place that I`d like to study I think that although United States is well positioned in the area of Psichology I prefer other countries. I'm not sure where but I think maybe in Spain or England. The last one (University College London) is the second place in the international ranking of OECD in Psichology. I have to investigate about wich country is better qualified in social psichology for decide. I have to analyse this when the time comes, because the places I'd like to work in a future maybe require a specialization in Chile. The area of Juridical Psichology address subjects very specific, and for that I think that probably a good place to do the postgra


I am in the fourth year of psychology, that means that I have done approximately 45 courses. In the first year we have introductory courses about the different areas of social sciencies. For example we have antropology, sociology, philosophy, history, and others classes. That has pros and cons, because many times we don`t know nothing about other careers and that help us to see different options, but also is difficult know if we like psichology or not if we haven`t courses about this area. After that we begin to enter to the psychology. We have personality psichology, basic processes of learning, neurophysiology, developmental psychology, etc. In that period you can get into the various topics of our profession, that allows you have a general idea about the principals aspects worked in a cross-cutting manner in psychology. However, I think that the principal part of my Study Program that can help you to know what you want to do is in the first semester of the third year, because in tha

Summer Plans

I still have things to do at the university, I still have tests in some subjects. I'm only waiting for the free time. In summer I would like to do a lot of things, I pretend travel to Argentina in February. Although I don't know about this city I would like to go to "El Bolsón". Also I pretend  go to "La laguna de la plata? a small lake into the San Fabián's mountains with a beautiful view. To arrive to the lake is necessary walk about five hours. But the thing that I would like more than the others things is spend time with my friends talking, and laughing, enjoy some beers. And also play soccer with my friends. I thing that this summer I will spend a lot of time with my parents too. Maybe my father one of these days say: "OK family, let's go to (any place)" because he is very good to travel but he likes to do day trips. He likes to travel to the beachs because he loves the sea and the seafood. Always that I go to my home in San Carlos we tr